April 12, 2006

Spent the next couple days in Jacksonville with Anthony's family... quick run down:
* Katelyn Renee Black was born late Thursday night! She was a healthy 7lbs 10oz, 19 inches long, and has lots of dark hair!
* Spent time at the Navy Hospital with Katelyn, Kyle, and crew - they were needing to stay another day so no time at home with them.
* Went to Cara's apartment and hung out by the pool Friday afternoon.
* Went to the movies with Cara and Justin Friday night.
* Ate lunch with Cara and Danielle and (window) shopped at the new St. John's Town Center, and drooled over all the stuff at Black Creek Outfitters that we'd love to take with us to our new home near rainforests. (we did however spring for mouthpieces to go in our Nalgene bottles... keeps it from splashing while hiking, kayaking, bicycling, or just sitting at home which is the case most of the time).

This is Kyle figuring out that "KK" (how he says Katelyn) is no longer inside mommy's tummy...

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